Installing your defibrillator

someone installing a defibrillator wall bracket

Installing your defibrillator

It’s best to install your defibrillator outside on a public building, somewhere that’s visible and easy to get to.

Usually, you don’t need planning permission to install one. However, if a building is listed, you should check that installing a defibrillator is allowed.

You’ll need an electricity supply to keep your defibrillator above 0°Celsius. An electrician can install this for you.  

Indoor defibrillators

If you keep your defibrillator indoors, you can choose between an alarmed cabinet and a simple bracket.  

Brackets are cheaper – prices start at around £20. But sometimes they’re not suitable. For example, in a public place or if there’s a chance children will tamper with it, we recommend an alarmed cabinet instead.  

Locked or unlocked cabinets? 

We recommend an unlocked outdoor cabinet so that your defibrillator is easy to get in an emergency.

If you choose a locked cabinet, you can add the access code when you register your defibrillator on The Circuit, the nationwide defibrillator map.  

Registering a defibrillator with The Circuit, the national defibrillator network, will ensure anyone can use it in an emergency.

It means the ambulance service can see the access code and give it to the person who makes the 999 call.  

Helping people find your defibrillator

Wherever you put your defibrillator, you can get signs to help people find it.

Buying a sign to let people know where the defibrillator is can save vital time in an emergency.  

Buy a defibrillator sign