What are the costs of owning a defibrillator?

Person inspecting defibrillator and defibrillator pads

What are the costs of owning a defibrillator?

When you’re working out how much you’ll need to spend on a defibrillator, you need to think about running costs and installation as well as the the cost of a defibrillator.

The things you’ll need to know are:  

  • how many defibrillators you need  
  • where you’re going to put your defibrillators  
  • how much it will cost to look after your defibrillators. 

Consider ongoing running costs

You’ll need to think about both the cost of the defibrillator itself and the ongoing running costs. Defibrillator batteries and pads need replacing, so you should include these costs when you’re working out how much money you need.  

Choose the right storage choice

You also need to consider any storage costs.

Ideally, your defibrillator should be easy to get to, visible and available all the time.  

If you can, you should put it outside a public building so it’s easy for people to get when they need it.  

If you do this, your costs will include:  

  • a heated cabinet  
  • installation by an electrician  
  • ongoing power supply. 

Example defibrillator costs

Hed Dek goes here.
Average cost (£) Indoor defibrillator Outdoor defibrillator Notes
Defibrillator £850-£1400 Yes Yes Potential for a discount if buying more than one. Consider the cost of replacement batteries and pads for the make and model you’re considering before making a final decision
Indoor cabinet £90-£350 Yes No A less expensive simple wall bracket (prices starting at £20) may be suitable in some indoor locations.
Outdoor cabinet £400-£600 No Yes If you have a heated cabinet, you’ll need to factor in electricity supply costs and installation costs.
Installation costs for outdoor heated cabinet £200-£250 No Yes Electricity supply required for an outdoor heated cabinet. Estimated costs of installation. These may vary regionally and depending on the level of work needed to link it to your mains supply.
Replacement battery £50-£350 Yes Yes Typically, it will need to be replaced 2 to 3 times in 10 years. If a defibrillator is used regularly, battery replacements will be more frequent.
Replacement pads £35-£155 Yes Yes Pads usually last 2 to 4 years. Some defibrillators require separate adult and child pads for public use. Pads will need to be replaced after every use.
Disposable items £5-£20 Yes Yes Razor, small towel, face shield, scissors.
Signage and poster £2-20 Yes Yes Both signs and posters are available to print at bhf.org.uk/defibdesign or purchase from our online shop.